Off site yesterday so I didn’t have any time to have myself a little sit-down.
Fun thing: it is supposed to snow here either later this week or early next week. I’m excited about the possibility. I love a good snow storm.
I would also dearly love a snow day, but for most of the adult world that’s not really a possibility. I can commiserate: at my last job I was the snow policy. At this job though we are given leave, in winter months, to examine the circumstances and decline to come if the conditions seem unfavorable. I love that--we can use our own discretion and judgment! How novel! How humane! Were I to take the temperature of my inner landscape into account I would probably call in a lot more frequently “I’m sorry its just looking a little dark and icy, I don’t think I can get out of my pajamas today” that doesn’t really fly though (save the odd mental health day). But I have high hopes and ambitions and plans for taking a day off my commuting schedule, at least by car: I’m hoping to leave my car at home one day a week and make my way here by a variety of buses. It is a little complicated (involving three changes each way) and a rather ridged schedule (the changes only match up if you make the 7:10 in the first place, otherwise the wait will be rather long between bus #2 and bus # 3 ) so I am going to aim for going car-free on Thursdays and see how it goes.
If it goes at all. I have yet to actually get to the testing process so we’ll see once we’re actually there.
In process and preparation I have been looking for a good warm winter coat. I do enjoy outerwear, but I don’t buy much of it. My great aunt was a horrible pack rat for that sort of thing: she had an entire closet in her apartment filled with just coats. When we cleaned out her apartment after her death I remember being slightly horrified and astounded: she had only ever worn this one raggedy purple down filled winter coat when I had known her, it was amazing to learn that she had had a closet full of choices and never done anything with them--neither wearing them herself nor giving them to someone who might wear them.
So I don’t really have a winter coat--I have an old English duffle coat of my father’s that is wonderfully warm and three sizes too big--which until recently I really haven’t minded. I also have a kids red ski parka that was given to me by a friend who worked at a L.L. Bean’s for a winter and got it for a couple of dollars. And I’ve got a rain coat that I wear most days, which has started to seem a little silly.
I keep seeing people out at night in town in these sort of “out at night in town” type coats and I keep wondering if I possibly look totally ridiculous in my oversized rain coat with sweater, hat and scarf. I think it is a distinct possibility and I am not sure I want to keep being the ramshackle girl--especially if I am riding the bus.
Way too much introspection, huh?
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