Monday, January 7, 2008

Can I get a bottle of that to go?

At the moment I am totally and completely filled with mucus and wondering how it is that this year I just keep getting sick: typically I am fairly healthy on a regular basis, but it seems that more often than not lately I have some sort of malady or malaise. What gives? I am tempted to blame it on numerology (this is a bad year--have I mentioned that?) only thing is, although my personal age/ year is inauspicious, the turning of the calendar has brought us into a better and potentially fortuitous set of numbers, so I would hope that things are going to improve. Only, obviously, that can't start right away, otherwise I wouldn't be feeling so down in the pits. Possibly it has something to do with my mood and mindset; I can see that that would certainly have some bearing on my physical well being (and, aside from a particular fondness for the number 8, I don't really hold too much with numerology generally) --I can understand if a general funk were to turn into a particular ailment I think. And of course I've had my heart bruised, ever so slightly, again (he would be willing to stick around for the right job--isn't that great? he won't stay for me or with me, but employment might be enough for him to at least post pone his ticket. He sure does know how to make a girl feel special). But I am brushing it off. Or at least ignoring it. Which is easy to do in the midst of a river of snot. A big downside, however, is that I can't really go running, and I really need to: I've got two races in February that I don't want to look like a complete tool in. I did a nice 9 miler right before the onset of this cloud of grossness but I should have done at least three miles today and instead I've stayed glued to my couch. Major bummer, really: starting the week in the dumps and in a hole as far as mileage goes. Hope it all gets better quick-like!

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